Saturday, February 27, 2010

Evaluating System

I was writing an article about Student Evaluation of Lecturers.However,it is not a complete article,but it may help us in a way we want.I thought it is a good Idea to have that system to find out about lecturers quality. However, the system must be in a confidential way to make students feel safe.Mose of the students do not like to mention their names.As it has been refereed in the article evaluation system has become very popular among the universities. it has been caused a big competition among them.The second thing which has been refereed to is,evaluating lecturers by students performance in their final examinations.I think it may not be a good idea,because,all students are not same and as intelligent as another.We cannot say that it is not a beneficial way,but it cannot be as beneficial as the general way of evaluation.Everyone's intelligent quality is different to another.
The Article address has been uploaded below.You can read it and leave your comments.;jsessionid=LJbQ6bRrTvck5ZQCscDD2n0FJ2Q6PqLcS6pVLM8H0yGVVZgmx1hp!-522989652!-2073591579?docId=76954108
Bahareh Darvish...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The conection between lecturers and students in Multimedia University

Hello everyone.
In this blog we try to consider the connection between lecturers and student.
There are a few important issues that should be considered.first of all,everyone should know about different kinds of relationships and connection between lecturers and students.It has been said that the connection between lecturers and local students is more friendlier than the international students.The other important issue that should be considered is the specific teaching and learning method.The effects of learning and teaching methods on the connection between teachers and students will be considered as well.How a relationship can be professional as well as friendly and fair?