Sunday, April 18, 2010

Adertisements and cultural shock.

As all of us may know advertisements play the biggest role in today’s societies. They can easily change our minds, prove us that something good is bad, show us we really need some products, make backgrounds for us and etc. lots of international students rely on the advertisements of universities to chose them and select them for their higher education. Advertisements talk about cultures, facilities, majors and so on. When students believe them and go overseas for higher education, they really have made the imaginary picture of a place they are going to. But as they enter the host country, they encounter with totally different situations. At first, problems are hidden because of the new environment and attractiveness. After 2 or 3 month, students will recognize their imagination of the place they wanted to be educated in is amazingly different from the reality. Smoothly, dissatisfactions show off. Because they will believe that the university told them lies in its advertisement.
How do you think? Do you think advertisements about all the aspect of the universities (from languages, behaviors, cultures and finance) can shape the reality for students?


Hanieh Bijandi said...

Actually, I don’t like this kind of choosing that some people do it. When you want to come to other country for higher education, you have to go to that country at list one time before you go there for living. Because you have to see the satiation and environment closely and talk to some people who study on that university or some international people who live there. I’m not saying by do this there will be no more problems and students won’t face with culture shock but at list it cause students understand some problems and totally they will have some basic information about that country and the way of living there.

Bahareh Darvish1081108022 said...

In fact, We cannot deny that advertisements and commercials do not affect students' choices.But, it cannot be ignored that they can choose.I actually think that we should see things from two points of views.Advertisements are sometimes good to make people informed about some places like universities or even products.However,these days a lot of people know that advertisements and commercials are definitely exaggerated to prove their universities or products are the best in the world.So,it is better for everyone to learn to face this truth that everything and every place got some bad and good issues.

Taniar Rachma Prismandini said...

Its true if actually we cant reject that advertisement, because its including of media, and media will be always develop. It is impossible for us to stop the developing of media especially advertising. Its depend on how we take or we look the message that come from he advertising. We should know and not accept news or advertising with easily. We suppose to think first about the message that they tr to say to everyone. Just try to search r finds the real fact about that news or advertising.

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