Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Culture shock is cause which make separate between lecturer and students.

The relationships between lecturer and international students are rather weak because of different culture and language. The students who come from different country have different behavior. It’s hard for communication and understanding who has different style with our self even if lecturers and students. The main point that separate between lecturers and students are communication. Even though they are using English language to be main language, but it’s still not useful as their own language. Sometime it got some miss take from this point. Another reason which separate between lecturers and students are culture shock which is can happen since first time when they arrived to another country. The culture shock refers to the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown culture such as one may encounter in a foreign country. It grows out of the difficulties in assimilating the new culture, causing difficulty in knowing what is appropriate and what is not. This is often combined with a dislike for or even disgust (moral or aesthetical) with certain aspects of the new or different culture. (refer from Wikipedia). It’s because of these cause that make students feel resist everything and also hard to understand. I found 2 video that taking about culture shock and I think it can help us to understand what is cause of culture shock as well.


Bahareh Darvish1081108022 said...

Machima,the video you have put is really interesting.As that person refers he used to feel alone and sad when he entered to has been defined as cultural shock.the first thing that cultural shock causes is hating local people,because some of them cannot understand your culture.It definitely has happened to all of us.the other thing is when you feel alone, you are trying to company those who are from your country.That is a real sad thing.I personally,have felt this in Malaysia.most of the students have found companies from their own is not a good thing for do not get the opportunity to know other cultures.Chinese are with Chinese,Iranians are with Iranians, Malays are with Malays and so on and on.The most interesting part is that most of these colonies do not let you to be their friends...Cultural shock might be a very difficult thing for students to deal with but students should not stop themselves from communication.

machima wanmayor said...

Yes i agree with you Bahareh. Even myself I also with my Thai friends, but i already try to make relationship with another country.As you said they are almost with their own country. It hard for different country stay in one group. TT_TT

Zahra Shahamat Nia said...

I watched videos, they were quite honest. As any of international students has felt, feeling lonely and sometimes afraid is common. Most of us feel great as we enter a new country due to new environment. But after somedays, we will find that we are not belonging to that country and we feel upset or anxious. After some days, that everything is going to be repetitive and same, we will see problems. These problems for international students are a lot that even we call them shock. For example, communication with others is one of the biggest problems. As we saw in the video this is the same experience all of us (international students). Because international students find communication with locals hard due to their differences and lifestyles, they will turn to other people from same country, their country mates. So, as Bahar also said, there will be some colonies between students. They will make friend with people they know or can talk with in their own language to reduce the feeling of loneliness. This happen to all of us even here in Malaysia. This problem is based on the weak behavior of people from host country .

Hanieh Bijandi said...

After I watched these videos, I understood that most of the international students have same problem and it doesn’t matter which countries they go for study. Feel lonely, have stress, be upset about everything, cannot communicate with other etc are the same feel and problem that all the international student have. When host country doesn’t know how to communicate with a an international or even they don’t want to communicate with them the effect of cultural shock increase. In addition, because of that some of the student face to depression and maybe in some cases they want to return to their country and they will have a bed memory of that country that’s why they will never suggest anyone to go there.
What I found about Malay people is they are kind bud they don’t like to have friendship or even serious communication with international. Also, in class they don’t like be group with other people which are come from other countries and because of that something like what Bahar said happen, but I don’t know about USA people because I have never go there.

Taniar Rachma Prismandini said...

That video really show to us if international students has felt, feeling lonely and sometimes afraid is common. Its very interesting. Because its true if sometime we ever feel lonely. And it often annoying our feeling. Its not good actually, and i'm agree with Machima to make a good relationship with other even international student to dissolve that kinds of problem.

Hanieh Bijandi said...

It’s right that just final exam is not enough for evaluation students. Because different students have different skill and as Taniar said, some of them are, good in one part and the other are good in some other part. Therefore, in my opinion lecturers must evaluate the students during the semester.

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